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Lesson 5: Numbers and Counting - I |
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1 | Ichi | 11 | Juuchi | 30 | San Ju |
2 | Ni | 12 | Juuni | 40 | Yonju |
3 | San | 13 | Juusan | 50 | Goju |
4 | Yon or Shi | 14 | Juuyon | 60 | Rokuju |
5 | Go | 15 | Juugo | 70 | Nanaju |
6 | Roku | 16 | Juuroku | 80 | Hachiju |
7 | Nana or Shichi | 17 | Juunana | 90 | Kyuju |
8 | Hachi | 18 | Juuhachi | 100 | Hyaku |
9 | Kyuu | 19 | Juukyu | 1000 | Sen |
10 | Juu | 20 | Niju | 10000 | Man |
Notice that there is a specific word for 10,000. This makes it bit more difficult when trying to deal with larger numbers. You have to think of things in terms of 10,000's instead of 1,000's as we are used to dealing with.
You count the 100's, 1000's and 10000's in the same manner as shown with 20-90.
Nihyaku, Nisen, Niman
Sanbyaku, Sanzen, Sanman etc...
With a little practice it will be much easier. It also won't hurt if you are already good with numbers.
It is common to hear original Japanese numbers used in a variety of things. Anything from telling the host/hostess at a restaurant how many people are in your party to asking for a quantity of Big Macs at McDonald's.
Here are the numbers of Japanese origin:
1 | Hitotsu |
2 | Futatsu |
3 | Mittsu |
4 | Yottsu |
5 | Itsutsu |
6 | Muttsu |
7 | Nanatsu |
8 | Yattsu |
9 | Kokonotsu |
10 | Tou |
You will also hear the word Yen changed to En at times.
Below is a reference table of counters:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Chaku | Itchaku | Nichaku | Sanchaku | Yonchaku | Gochaku | Rokchaku | Nanachaku | Hatchaku | Kyuuchaku | Juchaku Jitchaku |
Chou | Itchou | Nichou | Sanchou | Yonchou | Gochou | Rokuchou | Shichichou Nanachou |
Hatchou | Kyuuchou | Juchou Jitchou |
Dai | Ichidai | Nidai | Sandai | Yodai Yondai |
Godai | Rokudai | Shichidai Nanadai |
Hachidai | Kudai Kyuudai |
Juudai |
Fuku | Ippuku | Nifuku | Sampuku Sambuku |
Yompuku Shifuku |
Gofuku | Roppuku | Shichifuku Nanafuku |
Happuku | Kyuufuku | Jupuku Jippuku |
Hai | Ippai | Nihai | Sambai | Yonhai Shihai |
Gohai | Roppai | Shichihai | Hachihai Happai |
Kuhai Kyuuhai |
Juppai jippai |
Hiki | Ippiki | Nihiki | Sambiki | Yonhiki Shihiki |
Gohiki | Roppiki | Shichihiki Nanahiki |
Hachihiki Happiki |
Kuhiki Kyuuhiki |
Juppiki Jippiki |
Hon | Ippon | Nihon | Sambon | Yonhon Shihon |
Gohon | Roppon | Shichihon Nanahon |
Hachihon Happon |
Kuhon Kyuuhon |
Juppon Jippon |
Jou | Ichijou | Nijou | Sanjou | Yojou | Gojou | Rokujou | Shichijou Nanajou |
Hachijou | Kujou Kyuujou |
Juujou |
Kan | Ikkan | Nikan | Sangan | Yonkan | Gokan | Rokkan | Shichikan Nanakan |
Hachikan Hakkan |
Kyuukan | Jukkan Jikkan |
Ken | Ikken | Niken | Sangen | Yonken Shiken |
Goken | Rokken | Shichiken Nanaken |
Hachiken Hakken |
Kyuuken | Jukken Jikken |
Ko | Ikko | Niko | Sanko | Yonko | Goko | Rokko | Shichiko Nanako |
Hakko | Kyuuko | Jukko Jikko |
Mai | Ichimai | Nimai | Sammai | Yonmai | Gomai | Rokumai | Nanamai | Hachimai | Kyuumai | Juumai |
Maki | Hitomaki | Futamaki | Mimaki | Yomaki | Itsumaki | Mumaki | Nanamki | Yamaki | Kyuumaki | Toumaki |
Mei | Ichimei | Nimei | Sammei | Yomei Yommei Shimei |
Gomei | Rokumei | Shichimei Nanamei |
Hachimei | Kumei Kyuumei |
Juumei |
Nin | Hitori | Futari | Sannin | Yonin Yottari |
Gonin | Rokunin | Shichinin | Hachinin | Kunin Kyuunin |
Juunin |
Satsu | Issatsu | Nisatsu | Sansatsu | Yonsatsu | Gosatsu | Rokusatsu | Nanasatsu | Hassatsu | Kyuusatsu | Jussatsu Jissatsu |
Seki | Isseki | Niseki | Sanseki | Yonseki | Goseki | Rokuseki | Shichiseki Nanaseki |
Hasseki | Kyuuseki | Juseki Jisseki |
Sho | Ikkasho | Nikasho | Sankasho | Yonkasho | Gokasho | Rokkasho | Nanakasho | Hachikasho | Kyuukasho | Jukasho Jikkasho |
Shu | Isshu | Nishu | Sanshu | Yonshu | Goshu | Rokushu | Shichishu | Hachishu Hasshu |
Kyuushu | Jusshu Jisshu |
Sou | Issou | Nisou | Sansou Sanzou |
Yonsou Shisou |
Gosou | Rokusou | Shichisou Nanasou |
Hassou | Kyuusou | Jussou Jissou |
Soku | Issoku | Nisoku | Sanzoku | Yonsoku Shisoku |
Gosoku | Rokusoku | Shichisoku Nanasoku |
Hassoku | Kyuusoku | Jussoku Jissoku |
Tou | Ittou | Nitou | Santou | Yontou | Gotou | Rokutou | Shichitou Nanatou |
Hachitou Hattou |
Kyuutou | Jutou jittou |
Tsuu | Ittsuu | Nitsuu | Santsuu | Yontsuu Shitsuu |
Gotsuu | Rokutsuu | Shichitsuu Nanatsuu |
Hachitsuu Hattsuu |
Kyuutsuu | Jutsuu Jittsuu |
Wa | Ichiwa | Niwa | Samba | Yonwa Yomba Shiwa |
Gowa | Roppa Rokuwa |
Shichiwa | Hachiwa | Kuwa Kyuuwa |
Juppa Jippa |
Zen | Ichizen | Nizen | Sanzen | Yonzen Shizen |
Gozen | Rokuzen | Shichizen Nanazen |
Hachizen | Kyuuzen | Juuzen |
Do not worry about memorizing all the different counters as this will take a bit of time. One can always use the counter "ko" when not sure what the correct counter is.
Repeat the following numbers in Japanese:
13 | jusan |
5 | go |
67 | rokuju nana |
120 | hyaku niju |
20180 | niman hyaku hachiju |
304 | sanbyaku yon |
Count to 10 using Japanese origin numbers.
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